Wednesday 20 November 2013

Vunkuwa Association business 2 business support membership


Vunkuwa introduce excellent solution wellness momentum one stop solution to your wellness spa industry
we strive for excellency.  

As Salon Spa owners, we change lives. We take people that are stressed and make them look and feel better. We give them Joy~! It’s truly a beautiful thing....but since we’re experts at changing peoples’ lives, we’re often Not experts when it comes to business items.  Most holistic practitioners, coaches and wellness professionals struggle to grow a business that really supports them and their lifestyle. We experiment (trial and error) with how to setup our systems, what to buy, how to hire, how to pay/compensate staff, how to market ourselves and find new clients (hoping we get it right sooner or later).

Are you ready to jumpstart your holistic practice and get the support you need to materialize your vision of running a thriving, sustainable business that you love to wake up to everyday? 

You are passionate about health and wellness and changing lives, not marketing and sales! Yet deep down you know that if you could just figure out how to market your services, attract more clients and create more income, you’d be able to keep doing the work you love and help a lot more people. If that sounds like you, you’re most likely in the right place.

To enable you to achieve your vision we share our expertise with you through the Vunkuwa Association.
The Vunkuwa association is a platform where wellness experts are provided with knowledge and training to achieve the best out of their businesses. We provide you with a one stop solution to all your spa related problems.

Vunkuwa holds a lot of knowledge in the spa industry through its 18 years of international experience. We emphasize on excellence in our business at Vunkuwa. Our view on excellence is not perfectionism, rather excellence is a journeythrough an ever changing landscape of new possibilities and methods. It is the best result that can be produced at a particular moment in time. Businesses require constant improvement to current processes, systems and goals. Any business which is not striving to be excellent will soon find itself obsoleted or out maneuvered by its competition.

Excellence is not perfectionism; it is a journey through an ever-changing landscape of new possibilities and methods. This journey requires us to make the right decisions and adjustments to stay in harmony with external changes while maintaining quality.

By joining as a member you get services from the Vunkuwa Marketing Solutions and Vunkuwa Business Consulting.